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Produkt zum Begriff Service Design:

  • SOA Principles of Service Design
    SOA Principles of Service Design

    The Definitive Guide to Service Engineering The key to succeeding with service-oriented architecture (SOA) is in comprehending the meaning and significance of its most fundamental building block: the service. It is through an understanding of service design that truly “service-oriented” solution logic can be created in support of achieving the strategic goals associated with SOA and service-oriented computing. Bestselling SOA author Thomas Erl guides you through a comprehensive, insightful, and visually rich exploration of the service-orientation design paradigm, revealing exactly how services should and should not be designed for real-world SOA.  

    Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails
    Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails

    The Complete Guide to Building Highly Scalable, Services-Based Rails Applications   Ruby on Rails deployments are growing, and Rails is increasingly being adopted in larger environments. Today, Rails developers and architects need better ways to interface with legacy systems, move into the cloud, and scale to handle higher volumes and greater complexity. In Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails, Paul Dix introduces a powerful, services-based design approach geared toward overcoming all these challenges. Using Dix’s techniques, readers can leverage the full benefits of both Ruby and Rails, while overcoming the difficulties of working with larger codebases and teams.   Dix demonstrates how to integrate multiple components within an enterprise application stack; create services that can easily grow and connect; and design systems that are easier to maintain and upgrade. Key concepts are explained with detailed Ruby code that was built using open source libraries such as ActiveRecord, Sinatra, Nokogiri, and Typhoeus. The book concludes with coverage of security, scaling, messaging, and interfacing with third-party services.   Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails will help you Build highly scalable, Ruby-based service architectures that operate smoothly in the cloud or with legacy systemsScale Rails systems to handle more requests, larger development teams, and more complex code basesMaster new best practices for designing and creating services in RubyUse Ruby to glue together services written in any languageUse Ruby libraries to build and consume RESTful web servicesUse Ruby JSON parsers to quickly represent resources from HTTP servicesWrite lightweight, well-designed API wrappers around internal or external servicesDiscover powerful non-Rails frameworks that simplify Ruby service implementationImplement standards-based enterprise messaging with Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)Optimize performance with load balancing and cachingProvide for security and authentication

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design
    Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design

    Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is at the heart of a revolutionary computing platform that is being adopted world-wide and has earned the support of every major software provider. In Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, Thomas Erl presents the first end-to-end tutorial that provides step-by-step instructions for modeling and designing service-oriented solutions from the ground up.   Erl uses more than 125 case study examples and over 300 diagrams to illuminate the most important facets of building SOA platforms: goals, obstacles, concepts, technologies, standards, delivery strategies, and processes for analysis and design. His book's broad coverage includes Detailed step-by-step processes for service-oriented analysis and service-oriented design An in-depth exploration of service-orientation as a distinct design paradigm, including a comparison to object-orientation A comprehensive study of SOA support in .NET and J2EE development and runtime platforms Descriptions of over a dozen key Web services technologies and WS-* specifications, including explanations of how they interrelate and how they are positioned within SOA The use of "In Plain English" sections, which describe complex concepts through non-technical analogies Guidelines for service-oriented business modeling and the creation of specialized service abstraction layers A study contrasting past architectures with SOA and reviewing current industry influences Project planning and the comparison of different SOA delivery strategies The goal of this book is to help you attain a solid understanding of what constitutes contemporary SOA along with step-by-step guidance for realizing its successful implementation.

    Preis: 43.86 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA
    Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA

    The Ultimate Guide for Designing and Governing Web Service Contracts   For Web services to succeed as part of SOA, they require balanced, effective technical contracts that enable services to be evolved and repeatedly reused for years to come. Now, a team of industry experts presents the first end-to-end guide to designing and governing Web service contracts. Writing for developers, architects, governance specialists, and other IT professionals, the authors cover the following areas:  Understanding Web Service Contract Technologies  Fundamental and Advanced WSDL  Fundamental and Advanced XML Schema  Fundamental and Advanced WS-Policy Fundamental Message Design with SOAP  Advanced Message Design with WS-Addressing Advanced Message Design with MTOM, and SwA  Versioning Techniques and Strategies Web Service Contracts and SOA

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man durch UX-Design die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Webseite verbessern?

    Durch eine klare und intuitive Navigation können Benutzer schnell finden, wonach sie suchen. Ein ansprechendes Design und eine konsistente Gestaltung sorgen für eine angenehme Nutzererfahrung. Durch regelmäßiges Testen und Feedback von Nutzern können Schwachstellen identifiziert und behoben werden.

  • Wie lässt sich ein responsives Webseiten-Design erstellen, das die Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf verschiedenen Geräten und Bildschirmgrößen maximiert?

    Ein responsives Webseiten-Design kann erstellt werden, indem man CSS Media Queries verwendet, um das Layout und die Inhalte je nach Bildschirmgröße anzupassen. Es ist wichtig, flexible Bilder und Videos zu verwenden, die sich automatisch der Bildschirmgröße anpassen. Außerdem sollten Navigationselemente und Schaltflächen so gestaltet werden, dass sie auch auf kleinen Bildschirmen leicht bedienbar sind.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von responsivem Design für die Benutzererfahrung und die Suchmaschinenoptimierung einer Webseite?

    Responsives Design sorgt dafür, dass eine Webseite auf allen Geräten optimal dargestellt wird, was die Benutzererfahrung verbessert. Durch eine einheitliche Darstellung auf verschiedenen Geräten steigt auch die Usability und die Zufriedenheit der Nutzer. Zudem bevorzugt Google responsiv gestaltete Webseiten bei der Suchmaschinenoptimierung, was zu einer besseren Sichtbarkeit in den Suchergebnissen führt.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Prinzipien für ein gutes responsives Design einer Website?

    Die wichtigsten Prinzipien für ein gutes responsives Design einer Website sind eine klare und benutzerfreundliche Navigation, eine flexible und anpassungsfähige Layoutstruktur sowie eine schnelle Ladezeit und optimierte Performance auf verschiedenen Geräten. Es ist wichtig, dass die Website auf allen Bildschirmgrößen und -auflösungen gut lesbar und bedienbar ist, um eine positive Nutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten. Zudem sollte das Design auf die Bedürfnisse und das Verhalten der Zielgruppe zugeschnitten sein, um die Interaktion und Conversion-Rate zu maximieren.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Service Design:

  • Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services
    Service Design Patterns: Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services

    Web services have been used for many years. In this time, developers and architects have encountered a number of recurring design challenges related to their usage, and have learned that certain service design approaches work better than others to solve certain problems.   In Service Design Patterns, Rob Daigneau codifies proven design solutions for web services that follow the REST architectural style or leverage the SOAP/WSDL specifications. This catalogue identifies the fundamental topics in web service design and lists the common design patterns for each topic. All patterns identify the context in which they may be used, explain the constituent design elements, and explore the relative strengths and trade-offs. Code examples are provided to help you better understand how the patterns work but are kept general so that you can see how the solutions may be applied to disparate technologies that will inevitably change in the years to come.   This book will help readers answer the following questions: How do you create a web service API, what are the common API styles, and when should a particular style be used? How can clients and web services communicate, and what are the foundations for creating complex conversations in which multiple parties exchange data over extended periods of time? What are the options for implementing web service logic, and when should a particular approach be used? How can clients become less coupled to the underlying systems used by a service? How can information about a web service be discovered? How can generic functions like authentication, validation, caching, and logging be supported on the client or service? What changes to a service cause clients to break? What are the common ways to version a service? How can web services be designed to support the continuing evolution of business logic without forcing clients to constantly upgrade?  This book is an invaluable resource for enterprise architects, solution architects, and developers who use web services to create enterprise IT applications, commercial or open source products, and Software as a Service (SaaS) products that leverage emerging Cloud platforms.

    Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • This Is Service Design Thinking (Stickdorn, Marc~Schneider, Jakob)
    This Is Service Design Thinking (Stickdorn, Marc~Schneider, Jakob)

    This Is Service Design Thinking , Basics, Tools, Cases , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Auflage: Nachdruck, Erscheinungsjahr: 20140203, Produktform: Kartoniert, Autoren: Stickdorn, Marc~Schneider, Jakob, Auflage/Ausgabe: Nachdruck, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 376, Abbildungen: 200 Diagrams, Keyword: Design; Interdisziplinäre Strategien; Service design, Fachschema: Design / Grafikdesign~Grafikdesign~Industrial Design~Produktdesign, Fachkategorie: Strategisches Management~Grafikdesign~Produktdesign, Fachkategorie: Public Relations, Thema: Verstehen, Text Sprache: eng, Verlag: BIS Publishers bv, Verlag: BIS Publishers, Produktverfügbarkeit: 02, Länge: 231, Breite: 172, Höhe: 32, Gewicht: 858, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: CHINA, VOLKSREPUBLIK (CN), Katalog: LIB_ENBOOK, Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Kennzeichnung von Titeln mit einer Relevanz > 30, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0010, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel, WolkenId: 2993039

    Preis: 28.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Service-Oriented Architecture: Analysis and Design for Services and Microservices
    Service-Oriented Architecture: Analysis and Design for Services and Microservices

    The Top-Selling, De Facto Guide to SOA--Now Updated with New Content and Coverage of Microservices!For more than a decade, Thomas Erl’s best-selling Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design has been the definitive end-to-end tutorial on SOA, service-orientation, and service technologies. Now, Erl has thoroughly updated the industry’s de facto guide to SOA to reflect new practices, technologies, and strategies that have emerged through hard-won experience and creative innovation.This Second Edition officially introduces microservices and micro task abstraction as part of service-oriented architecture and its associated service layers. Updated case study examples and illustrations further explain and position the microservice model alongside and in relation to more traditional types of services.Coverage includes:• Easy-to-understand, plain English explanations of SOA and service-orientation fundamentals (as compiled from series titles)• Microservices, micro task abstraction, and containerization• Service delivery lifecycle and associated phases• Analysis and conceptualization of services and microservices• Service API design with REST services, web services, and microservices• Modern service API and contract versioning techniques for web services and REST services• Up-to-date appendices with service-orientation principles, REST constraints, and SOA patterns (including three new patterns)Service-Oriented Architecture: Analysis and Design for Services and Microservices, Second Edition, will be indispensable to application architects, enterprise architects, software developers, and any IT professionals interested in learning about or responsible for designing or implementing modern-day, service-oriented solutions.Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Case Study BackgroundsPart I: FundamentalsChapter 3: Understanding Service-OrientationChapter 4: Understanding SOAChapter 5: Understanding Layers with Services and MicroservicesPart II: Service-Oriented Analysis and DesignChapter 6: Analysis and Modeling with Web Services and MicroservicesChapter 7: Analysis and Modeling with REST Services and MicroservicesChapter 8: Service API and Contract Design with Web ServicesChapter 9: Service API and Contract Design with REST Services and MicroservicesChapter 10: Service API and Contract Versioning with Web Services and REST ServicesPart III: AppendicesAppendix A: Service-Orientation Principles ReferenceAppendix B: REST Constraints ReferenceAppendix C: SOA Design Patterns ReferenceAppendix D: The Annotated SOA Manifesto

    Preis: 31.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks
    End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks

    End-to-End QoS Network Design Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks Second Edition   New best practices, technical strategies, and proven designs for maximizing QoS in complex networks This authoritative guide to deploying, managing, and optimizing QoS with Cisco technologies has been thoroughly revamped to reflect the newest applications, best practices, hardware, software, and tools for modern networks. This new edition focuses on complex traffic mixes with increased usage of mobile devices, wireless network access, advanced communications, and video. It reflects the growing heterogeneity of video traffic, including passive streaming video, interactive video, and immersive videoconferences. It also addresses shifting bandwidth constraints and congestion points; improved hardware, software, and tools; and emerging QoS applications in network security.   The authors first introduce QoS technologies in high-to-mid-level technical detail, including protocols, tools, and relevant standards. They examine new QoS demands and requirements, identify reasons to reevaluate current QoS designs, and present new strategic design recommendations. Next, drawing on extensive experience, they offer deep technical detail on campus wired and wireless QoS design; next-generation wiring closets; QoS design for data centers, Internet edge, WAN edge, and branches; QoS for IPsec VPNs, and more.   Tim Szigeti, CCIE No. 9794 is a Senior Technical Leader in the Cisco System Design Unit. He has specialized in QoS for the past 15 years and authored Cisco TelePresence Fundamentals.   Robert Barton, CCIE No. 6660 (R&S and Security), CCDE No. 2013::6 is a Senior Systems Engineer in the Cisco Canada Public Sector Operation. A registered Professional Engineer (P. Eng), he has 15 years of IT experience and is primarily focused on wireless and security architectures.    Christina Hattingh spent 13 years as Senior Member of Technical Staff in Unified Communications (UC) in Cisco’s Services Routing Technology Group (SRTG). There, she spoke at Cisco conferences, trained sales staff and partners, authored books, and advised customers.   Kenneth Briley, Jr., CCIE No. 9754, is a Technical Lead in the Cisco Network Operating Systems Technology Group. With more than a decade of QoS design/implementation experience, he is currently focused on converging wired and wireless QoS.   n Master a proven, step-by-step best-practice approach to successful QoS deployment n Implement Cisco-validated designs related to new and emerging applications n Apply best practices for classification, marking, policing, shaping, markdown, and congestion management/avoidance n Leverage the new Cisco Application Visibility and Control feature-set to perform deep-packet inspection to recognize more than 1000 different applications n Use Medianet architecture elements specific to QoS configuration, monitoring, and control n Optimize QoS in rich-media campus networks using the Cisco Catalyst 3750, Catalyst 4500, and Catalyst 6500 n Design wireless networks to support voice and video using a Cisco centralized or converged access WLAN n Achieve zero packet loss in GE/10GE/40GE/100GE data center networks n Implement QoS virtual access data center designs with the Cisco Nexus 1000V n Optimize QoS at the enterprise customer edge n Achieve extraordinary levels of QoS in service provider edge networks n Utilize new industry standards and QoS technologies, including IETF RFC 4594, IEEE 802.1Q-2005, HQF, and NBAR2   This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press®, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.    

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie beeinflusst das Frontend-Design die Benutzererfahrung einer Webseite?

    Das Frontend-Design einer Webseite beeinflusst die Benutzererfahrung, indem es die Navigation und Interaktion erleichtert oder erschwert. Ein ansprechendes Design kann die Nutzer dazu ermutigen, länger auf der Seite zu verweilen und öfter zurückzukehren. Eine klare und benutzerfreundliche Gestaltung kann die Zufriedenheit der Nutzer steigern und die Conversion-Rate erhöhen.

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Game Design und Level Design?

    Game Design bezieht sich auf die Gesamtgestaltung eines Videospiels, einschließlich der Spielmechanik, der Story, der Charaktere und der Spielziele. Es umfasst die Konzeption und Planung des Spiels als Ganzes. Level Design hingegen konzentriert sich auf die Gestaltung einzelner Spielabschnitte oder Levels, einschließlich der Platzierung von Hindernissen, Gegnern und Ressourcen, um eine herausfordernde und unterhaltsame Spielerfahrung zu schaffen. Es ist ein Teilbereich des Game Designs.

  • Wie kann flexibles Design die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website verbessern?

    Flexibles Design ermöglicht es einer Website, sich an verschiedene Bildschirmgrößen anzupassen, was die Benutzerfreundlichkeit auf mobilen Geräten verbessert. Durch die Verwendung von responsivem Design können Benutzer Inhalte leichter lesen und navigieren, unabhhängig vom verwendeten Gerät. Flexibles Design sorgt für eine konsistente und angenehme Benutzererfahrung, da die Website immer optimal dargestellt wird.

  • Wie kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Webseite durch eine intuitive Navigation, klare Informationsarchitektur und ansprechendes Design verbessert werden, um die Nutzererfahrung zu optimieren?

    Eine intuitive Navigation kann die Benutzerfreundlichkeit verbessern, indem sie es den Nutzern ermöglicht, schnell und einfach zu den gewünschten Inhalten zu gelangen. Eine klare Informationsarchitektur sorgt dafür, dass die Nutzer die Struktur der Webseite verstehen und sich leicht zurechtfinden können. Ein ansprechendes Design, das die Markenidentität widerspiegelt und visuell ansprechend ist, kann die Nutzererfahrung positiv beeinflussen. Durch die Kombination dieser Elemente kann die Webseite eine optimale Nutzererfahrung bieten und die Zufriedenheit der Besucher steigern.

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